- 6. Which public sector bank has become only the second bank in the world who have above 10,000 branches?
A.Punjab National Bank
B.State Bank of India
C.Bank of Baroda
D.Bank of India
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
State Bank of India

- 7. "The set of directive principles issued by the central Bank of a country or process adopted by it to control the supply of money, availablity of money, cost of money and rate of interest, etc. in order to bring stability and growth of the economy" are commonly knwon as ___________
A.Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of the country
B.Budget of the Government
C.Profit and Loss Account
D.Business Policy of the Bank
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of the country

- 8. Which book was written by Dadabhai Nauroji on Indian Poverty and Economic order before Independence?
A.Notes on Poverty in British Rule in India
B.Indian Economy in British India
C.Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
D.Poverty in British India
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

- 9. To curb inflation one of the methods is
A.Bank rate must be made equal to long term lending rates
B.Bank rate must be kept even
C.Bank rate must be raised
D.Bank rate must be lowered
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Bank rate must be raised

- 10. A currency swap is refer to __________________
A.A spot sale of currency combined with a forward repurchase of the same currency-as part of single transaction.
B.A forward sale of currency combined with a forward repurchase of the same currency -as part of a single transaction.
C.A forward sale of currency combined with a forward repurchase of the same currency - in two different transactions
D.All of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
A spot sale of currency combined with a forward repurchase of the same currency-as part of single transaction.

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