- 16. The formal way of lending includes ___________
A.Private Sector Banks
C.Public Sector Banks
D.All of above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
All of above

- 17. The village people take more loans from non-institutional sources (informal route). It includes _______
A.Scheduled banks
B.Money Lenders
C.Rural banks
D.Co-operative banks
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Money Lenders

- 18. Soft loan characteristic feature is ___________
A.Shot period and more rate of interest
B.Long period, more rate of interest with no grace periods
C.Long period, less rate of interest with grace periods
D.Long period, more rate of interest with grace period
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Long period, less rate of interest with grace periods

- 19. "Loan Servicing" means ?
A.A mortgage bank or sub-servicing firm collects the timely payment of interest and principal from borrowers.
B.Helping the customer to get loan in other banks by providing the details of the running account.
C.Giving a loan if the customer has any deposit
D.Lending the money
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
Lending the money

- 20. A loan allows the person to pursue higher studies is _____________
A.Education Loan
B.Higher studies loan
C.College Admission loan
D.Passing Loan
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Education Loan

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