- 1. Through open market operations, RBI plays a very important role in which of the following markets?
A.Gilt edged market
B.Primary market
C.Secondary Market
D.Share market
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Gilt edged market

- 2. The Union Budget of the Government presented every year contains _____________
A. Estimates for the following year
B. Revised estimates for the current year
C. Actual figures of last year
D. Budget estimates and actual figures of last year
A.A, B and D
B.B and C
C.A, B and C
D.A and B
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
A, B and C

- 3. Certificates of Deposits can be issued for a minimum period of _______
A.1 year
B.6 months
C.4 months
D.3 months
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
3 months

- 4. As we all know, when we doposit a cheque issued in oru name in the bank, the bank always checks if the cheque has been crossed or not. Why is this done?
A.It ensures that the money is deposited only in the account of the person in whose name the cheque has been drawn.
B.It is a process by which the person who has issued the cheque comes to know whether the cheque is encashed or not.
C.The bank insists on it only when the party wants the payment immediately and that too in cash only.
D.This is the instruction of RBI that all the cheques of the amount of Rs. 10,000 should be accepted only if they are crossed.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
It ensures that the money is deposited only in the account of the person in whose name the cheque has been drawn.

- 5. Foreign Exchange Reserves of India are kept in the custody of which of the following?
A.International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
B.Internatinal Monetary Fund
C.Goverment Treasury
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D

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