- 1. The purchase of Shares and Bonds of Indian companies by Foreign Institutional investors is called
B.Portfolio Investment
C.NRI Investment
D.Foreign Indirect Investment
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
Foreign Indirect Investment

- 2. The 'Food for Work' programme was renamed as
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
NREP (National Rural Employment Programme

- 3. In which of the following cases a bank account may be either closed by teh customer or the banker ?
A. If the bank account is not oeprating
B. When the banker wishes
C. On Insolvency of the customer
D. On the notice of nominee
A.A, B and C
B.B, C and D
C.A, B, C and D
D.B and C
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
A, B and C

- 4. Which is the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B

- 5. As we all know, the major source of income of the banks is lending money (providing credit) and earning interest on it. In normal circumstances, teh demand of the credit comes mainly from which of the following sectors?
A. Personal Loans
B. Priority Sector Lending and Bailout Packages
C. Project Finance
A.Only A
B.Only B
C.Only C
D.All A, B and C
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
All A, B and C

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