- 11. In a company the use of proce sensitive corporate informatin by the company people to make gains or cover loss known as?
A.Insider trading
B.future trading
C.Foreign Trading
D.Stock Trading
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Insider trading

- 12. As we all knwo "Mobile Banking" is comparatively a new mode of bankign all over the world, what is its status in India?
A. The willingness to conduct banking through mobile devices is higher in India
B. About 4% of total m-commerce transactions have taken place in the first few months of the current fiscal year in India
C. Since RBI's permission is needed for offering mobile banking, only two private banks are providing this service at present
A.Only A
B.Only B
C.Only C
D.All A, B and C
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Only C

- 13. Expand the term IFRS
A.Indian Financial Reporting Standards
B.Indian Financial Reporting Systems
C.International Financial Reporting Standards
D.International Financial Reporting Systems
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
International Financial Reporting Standards

- 14. Consider the following statements
A. With growing saivngs among households in India, the need for retail credit is declining.
B. The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the RBI
Which among the statements given above is / are correct?
A.Only A
B.Only B
C.Both A and B
D.Neither A nor B
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Only B

- 15. Which of the following fall in teh category of refinance institutions?
C.National Housing Bank (NHB)
D.All of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
All of these

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