- 1. The view that puts a blue a blue line around each page that would be printed is the …..
A.Split View
B.Page Break Preview
C.Normal View
D.Print Preview
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Page Break Preview

- 2. AutoCalculate will quickly add selected cells if you…..
A.right click on the status bar and select Sum the AutoCalculate button on the toolbar
C.use the key combination Ctrl+$
D.Double click the selection
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
click the AutoCalculate button on the toolbar

- 3. The cell labeled 23. 54 the cell labeled F5 refers to
A.row F column 5
B.column F row 5
C.function available in cells
D.function key F4
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
column F row 5

- 4. when you are typing an equation into a cell the first thing that must be entered is
A.the first cell referenced equal sign
C.quotation marks
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
an equal sign

- 5. Using the AutoSum button will replace in the selected cell….
A.the sum of values in the cell’s column
B.a formula which will add values in the range Excel guesses you want to add
C.the sum of the cell’s row unless you change the range
D.nothing until you select a range of cells
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
a formula which will add values in the range Excel guesses you want to add

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