- 1. What happens when you press CTRL + V key?
A.A capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point
B.The chose drawing items are circulated vertically on the page
C.The selected item is pasted to the clipboard
D.The selected item is pasted from the clipboard
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
The selected item is pasted from the clipboard
Let us discuss.

- 2. Press ____ to move the insertion point to the Address box, or to highlight the URL in the Address box
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Let us discuss.

- 3. What is the short cut key for Print a Document?
A.Alt + P
B.Ctrl + P
C.Shift + P
D.Ctrl + Alt + P
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Ctrl + P Let us discuss

- 4. What is the short cut key for Select all contents of the page
A.Ctrl + A
B.Alt + A
C.Ctrl + Alt + A
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Ctrl + A Let us discuss

- 5. Ctrl + X is used for
A.Copy selected items
B.Cut selected items
C.Move the selected data
D.Exchange selected items
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Cut selected items Let us discuss

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