- 1. The improvement of computer hardware theory is summarized by which law.?
A.Metcalf’s law
B.Bill’s Law
C.Moore’s First Law
D.Grove’s law
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Moore’s First Law

- 2. Which of the following does not describe one or more characteristics of a computer?
B.External storage
C.Stored program
D.Program modification at execution
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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- 3. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) consists of:
A.Input, output and processing storage
B.Control unit, primary storage and secondary storage
C.Control unit, arithmetic – logic unit, and primary storage
D.input, processing and storage
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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- 4. Which of the following is not true of immediate processing?
A.It is often used in real-time applications
B.It can occur with either sequential
C.It can be used” in an airline – reservation system
D.Transactions are processed shortly after a real – world event occurs
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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- 5. The ascending order of a data hierarchy is:
A.Bit – byte – record – file – database
B.Byte – bit – field – record – database
C.Byte – bit – record – file – field – database
D.Bit – byte – field – record – file – database
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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