- 1. First chairman of private sector banks association is?
A.J. N. Joshi
B.J. N. Joshi
C.P. M. Joshi
D.P. N. Joshi
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
P. N. Joshi

- 2. The money which is accepted temporary in lieu of gold is called ?
A.Fiat money
B.Fiat monetize
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
Fiat money

- 3. Which leads to the rise in the demand, the rise in price level and a fall in teh interest rate ?
A.the arouse in the money supply
B.the raise in the money supply
C.the raise in the money furnish
D.the raise in the money provision
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
the raise in the money supply

- 4. Name of the organisation that was established by State Bnk of India for buying and selling the Govt Securities?
A.SBI Gilts Limited
B.Axis Gilts Limited
C.HDFC Gilts Limited
D.None of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
SBI Gilts Limited

- 5. Stagflation refers to?
A.Inflation on Recession
B.ostentation with Recession
C.Inflation with Recessional
D.Inflation with Recession
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
Inflation with Recession

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