- 1. What is 'financial inclusion'?
A. Easy access to bank accounts for safe parking of savings
B. Availability of cheap credits through apropriately designed loans for poor and low income households and small enterpreneures
C. Availability of basic financial products like insurance
A.Only A
B.Only B
C.Only C
D.Both A and B
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
Only B

- 2. Which among the following cannot be called an anti inflationary measure?
A.Raising the Bank Rates
B.Raising the reserve ratio requirements
C.Purchase of securities in the open markets
D.Rationing of the credit
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
Purchase of securities in the open markets

- 3. The Central Land Development Banks raised their resources by floating debentures in teh market. These debentured carry the guarantee of the State Government and subscribed by the
A.Commercial Banks
B.Life insurance Corporation
C.Central and State Governments
D.All of these
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
All of these

- 4. Which of the following states provides the Vishwakarma Contributory Pension scheme to the labourers of 20 trades of the unorganized sector?
A.Uttar Pradesh
C.Madhya Pradesh
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D

- 5. Yuan is the currency of?
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B

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